All Prints Measure 16 ½” X 11 ¾” And Are Created On 300gsm Satin Paper Using The Highest Quality Archival Inks.



Just incase you’re curious (and I know you’re not but I’ve got to write SOMETHING here!) the most challenging paintings I do are the Suzi ones and the most stressful are my Dark Side covers because if I XXXX up sales really suffer. Fortunately my last cover  (The Vampire Lovers) resulted in the biggest sales ever so….SMUG MODE!!!!

The saddest painting I ever did was of the ill fated Sharon Tate and the best, in my opinion, was a Barbara Steele mega quickie which was done in a few hours. The ones that give me the most pleasure though are the Universal Monster portraits because they take me back to when I was a kid, gazing lovingly at the James Bama Aurora Monster Box artwork and Basil Gogos’ Famous Monsters Of Filmland covers. In this painting I got twice the pleasure because I referenced the same photos BOTH those illustrating giants did back in the 60’s.

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