Suzi Goes To Felixstowe
This is another stupendous suggestion from David (Robot Monster) McKay and I’m so enamoured of his submissions that I’m going to avoid saying anything derogatory about the perverted foul mouthed Scottish bastard. However, I would like to point out that the Suzi series is all about recapturing the feel of those old 1950’s Creature Feature posters which featured pretty girls being threatened by huge monsters; not Suzi ‘getting her back doors smashed in by a gorilla with a huge helmet’ and ‘being gang banged silly by Killer Klowns From Outer Space’ .
Still, excellent critter suggestions David, so keep ’em coming in.
Next up is a less perverted submission from Lucien Charron in Deauville, France. Lucien requested that Suzi tackle a ‘Bukkake’ which I believe is French for yogurt monster. Bukkake hasn’t been released here yet Lucien but I’ll do the next best thing by painting Suzi getting stuck into ‘The Stuff’!